Breaking In New Running Shoes

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As a runner, your Mizuno trainers will be the most important tool you have. For most runners, their trainers or running shoes are really the only equipment they need, and they allow them to run pretty much anywhere. It can be hard to change to a new pair of running shoes when your old ones are worn out because you’ve got used to them and find them so comfortable. New shoes can feel uncomfortable at first, even shoes from a quality brand such as Mizuno sportswear, so you have to take the time to break them in properly.

Don’t think that you can just strap on your new pair of shoes and go for a 10-mile jog without feeling any pain. Instead, wear your new shoes around the house for a few minutes every day over the course of a week, gradually increasing this time and working up to short walks or runs outside. Over this period of time, the shoe will start to feel more comfortable and molded to the individual shape of your foot.

Once you feel ready, prepare to go for a proper run in your new shoes. For this first run, however, take your old shoes with you and switch them after half a mile or so. Over the next three or four sessions, continue to do this while running slightly further in the new shoes each time.

Taking the time to break your new trainers in properly can avoid you from getting blisters and sore muscles. It may be time-consuming, but it is worth it in the long run.

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